Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Dearest, You12.

Maybe your next girlfriend won’t be so quick to cry. She probably won’t have terrible anxiety or depression like me. She won’t have a problem with taking her clothes off or stutter sometimes when she talks. But I can guarantee you she won’t love you like I do. She won’t bandage your bruises or let you get drunk and cry on her shoulder for hours on the floor near her front door. She won’t care how your day was that much or what you’re doing to your car this week. She won’t cook for you or tell you to drink water or tell you to stop eating so much drive through chicken. She won’t care about you the way I do. So if you decide you can live without me just know that I’m always going to care. I will never stop loving you. But I won’t wait around forever.
—  Letters to Dearest, You12.

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